Sponsor Write the World notebooks
Because we donate 100% of the purchase price of every single notebook we sell to The Life You Can Save, the design and printing of our notebooks is funded through donations and sponsorship.
It is a fabulously effective way to donate money as your contribution is 'magically multiplied'. For example:
Sponsor a print run of 500 notebooks for $2,500. Once we sell the notebooks via Write the World, your donation magically multiplies to $5,000. Twice your original donation.
Sponsor a print run of 3,000 notebooks for $12,000. Once we sell the notebooks via Write the World, your donation magically multiplies to $30,000. Almost three times your original donation.
The more we print the more your money magically multiplies, meaning you’re saving and improving more lives than you would have otherwise. We accept donors and sponsors from any country.
If you'd like to be a sponsor of a full or part print run of Write the World notebooks, having your donation to effective charities ‘magically multiplied’, we’d love to hear from you - just drop us an email here. Added to the satisfaction of the extra good you’re bringing to the world, sponsors are also acknowledged on the cover of each of the print runs they sponsor with their name or company logo.
Designers and sponsors have their names included on the inside back cover of each notebook